
Kate Riora
as a psychotherapist, I integrate various methods:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT, Aaron T. Back) Solution Focused Approach (Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg, Emotionally focused therapy (EFT, Sue Johnson), work with sub identities (Gestalt therapy), Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine), Metaphorical Cards.

My main motivation is that I would like to offer you short-term therapy. I would not be aiming to continue therapy for years. My goal is to help you find your integrity, feel your power and confidence in the fastest, softest and the most supportive way as much as possible. However, if you feel that you would like to continue to receive therapy support from me for a longer period, I would be happy to accommodate your needs.

We will use a variety of supporting techniques adapted to your objectives.
You can come to me with following situations and issues:
Conflict situations at work and home;
Issues concerning health and psychosomatics;
Panic attacks and irrational fears;
Consequences of psychological traumas: illness or loss of close people, break-up, divorce (PTSD issues);
Depression (in supplement with medical treatment);
A need to find balanced, resourceful state of mind and condition;
and other issues.
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